Saturday, December 19, 2009

Divineness- Past, Present and Future

Today I am reminded about a status message that I read a few days back. It goes something like this “Even God cannot change past”.
Contemplating on it, the past and future exist because some things change and that change is what we call time. Now by using the word GOD we attach finiteness to it. It become limiting. Using the term divineness it becomes “the infinite”. “Being” the ultimate existence of a drop of water is the same as the Ocean. A drop exists only on the surface. In the inside it is the ocean. So matter is nothing but the surface of existence. Hence, what science studies is the Surface. The moment we start talking about the energy we move into another level.
What science is trying to find today is the antimatter, something which does not have the properties of matter. That’s has no surface. So what is it that is it trying to find? The inside if everything which is same for me, ocean, dog table and whatever is made up of matter.
At still deeper level there is consciousness that existed, exists and will keep on existing. So what was has never changed in existence and for something that has never changed how can there be time.
Time is not defined for consciousness. It has always been there. So if we say what always existed is consciousness and that’s what we define as God then present past and future does not exist for him. If something that does not exist how can it be changed?
There the question is not about individuality but it is about the whole. The existence is on a whole, not divided into dichotomy of “I” and “Thou”.
Existence is about totality it is not about parts. So the fundamental question “who” is no more relevant. The moment you try to answer “who” you become individualistic, reducing the whole into something. “Who” accepts duality, multiplicity and plurality of things.


AbT said...

Quite an interesting way of looking at things and phenomena - the completeness of ONE - and the oneness of entirety.

Unknown said...

Oh I just love how you chose your topics!!