Saturday, April 24, 2010

Floating on water

I was with my cousins and they had asked me for a science experiment that they could do for their exhibition? I thought for some time and recollected one that I had done during my school days. Floating a needle on water.

Yes this is possible; but only if we have a bloating paper. The paper absorbs water and can slowly be made to settle down. The reason as most of us know is because of the surface tension of water.

No matter how many times you try it without paper; the experiment fails. What is the reason for this; the surface tension of water still exists be there paper be there no paper. So what is the difference that makes the experiment a success in one case and failure in other.

As I understand this the paper provides the needle time to be stationary. We need to be patient to see the result. Surface tension of water is quite a weak force but o exploit it one need s to be patient and calm. Some of the greatest forces in nature open up once we are calm and open. Well we often say science and nature cannot go hand in hand. Science is nothing but understanding of the nature.

This whole experiment taught me apart from many things two important lessons.

1. However hard we may try sometimes there is a need for external agent (I am leaving this agent unnamed because it could be guru in some case, consciousness in other and something else for somebody else)

2. The way you approach a relationship is very important (the more it is for a cause the less are the chances for it being successful; in this case the surface of water and the pin are indifferent towards each other)

I will complete this post with a zen story a read shortly;

Once a Zen guru pointing towards a heavy rock, where is this in the mind our outside it?
The student says that according to Buddhism “everything is a projection of the mind. So it is in the mind.”
The Zenmaster replied aren’t you tired of carrying this load?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rain Drop

Just loved the wordings by Kabir; could not wait to share the same

Translated verbatim into English the doha goes something like this

“ Boond padi jo samudra main , tahi jane sab koi;
Samudra samana boond main , wirla bhooje koi”

How many of realize the ocean in the rain drop. We go on searching for the ocean but never realize the same in the droplet of water. We like to look at things that are huge not in character. A rain drop has the same character as the ocean but how often do we realize this? Maybe, its time to change the outlook. Let’s look deeper and realize bigger things.

Friday, April 2, 2010


When it is Autumn and it rains; quite a few of the leaves from the deciduous trees drop. There is no pain felt by the tree. It was ready for it. It is when a green leaf falls that the tree feels the pain; may be even the leaf feels the pain. This cycle of nature just tells that things happen when you are mature the time is right so that no one feels the pain.
Lets learn from the nature, everything will happen when time is right and when everyone is ready for it. Don’t get impatient; don’t take a hasty step; things will get sorted out for you. I definitely believe they do and what’s best for you happens :)